We're tackling a few subjects in this Sincerely Yours podcast as we continue exploring the book of Hebrews in our devotional series. Learn why it's impossible to enjoy...
Ann Mainse
As we continue our spiritual journey on Sincerely Yours, we find that God is forever “wooing” us back to Himself. But until the Cross of Christ, there was no sure path...
As we’re finishing up the 9th chapter of the book of Hebrews, we find the author giving us a bit of a history lesson recounting the way Moses delivered the Law from God...
As we dig into the 9th chapter of the book of Hebrews, we find an important teaching about the "Most Holy Place" - the most sacred of rooms. But I can’t help thinking...
We’re looking into the 8th chapter of the book of Hebrews in this Sincerely Yours podcast. The author continues to methodically point out man’s need for God’s new...
Not long ago, a Grade 1 teacher gave her 6-year-old students the first half of some common life proverbs just to see how these children, in their limited life...
In the 4th century, revered theologian Gregory of Nazianzus compiled a list of “oddities” regarding the life of Jesus. While the statements are true, their subtle irony...
As we’re looking into the 6th chapter of Hebrews, we find the author continues to encourage his readers to move beyond the basics of their belief and boldly enter into...
Learning to dig deeper and explore what is still hidden inside us are two lessons we can learn from great minds Michelangelo and Ralph Waldo Emerson in this Sincerely...
This Sincerely Yours devotional tells us the most important requirement to living God’s best: growing out of childhood faith and into real, mature faith.
God knows that with our old “human nature” we automatically hold ourselves up to Jesus and inevitably fall short. This causes us to timidly retreat into self-pity and...
Scholars agree that Jesus was a clearly documented Person from history, so the question of His identity is a valid one. But just who is Jesus, and why did He come...
It’s been said that the fear of death underlies most of our phobias. But if perhaps we could begin to see death through the lens of what Jesus has accomplished on the...
This episode of Sincerely Yours starts our journey in the book of Hebrews. Though the author is unknown, we do know is that they referred to the Old Testament more than...
Today we’re looking into the book of Philemon. It's a short book, only 25 verse long, but contains a poignant lesson in how we need to live out our faith. Listen in and...
This Sincerely Yours podcast covers the last chapter of the small book of Titus. Throughout his personal letter to the young pastor Titus, Paul encouraged him to remind...
We all have those days when we just need someone to step in and help us out. And, as we continue our journey through the book of Titus, we find this kind of mentorship...
We open the book of Titus in this podcast to continue our journey through the New Testament on Sincerely Yours. We know that earlier Paul had accompanied Titus to the...
Ranging from the witty to the hopeful to the tragic, the "famous people’s last words" featured in this episode of Sincerely Yours are definitely thought-provoking.
For a while now we’ve been daily studying the Bible together here on Sincerely Yours, so the question I’m about to ask you may sound a little strange. But here it goes:...
Living for God... every day... in every area of our lives. It’s so much more than just a "Christian lifestyle." Besides being a beautiful and intimate relationship, it’s...
Everybody’s talking these days. No one wants to be left out... not even me! The topics range from moral issues to religion to lifestyle. Everyone seems to have an...
We’re wrapping up our journey through the book of First Timothy, now in chapter six, and the topic of money is next on the Apostle Paul's list. He explains that it’s the...
In the eyes of God, there is no such thing as "secret sin." It's something we can all forget (or at least pretend to) from time to time, but the Apostle Paul gives us a...
We find ourselves in Chapter 5 of Paul’s first letter to Timothy in this Sincerely Yours podcast. According to Paul, the "fruit" of a person’s life is to be noted when...