
Kristen Strong’s Story of Weathering the Storm

Do you need help to not just weather the storm, but thrive within it? On this special bonus episode of Your Story, Kristin Strong joins Melinda Estabrooks to help us rewrite our stories for the better by opening ourselves up to God and finding hope while navigating life’s turns. Kristin is a wife, mom, blogger, speaker, and the author of Girl Meets Change: Truths to Carry You Through Life’s Transitions.

Find more about Melinda Estabrooks at www.melindaestabrooks.com and sign-up for the Faith Strong Newsletter to hear about future episodes.

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Melinda Estabrooks

Melinda’s career spans over 20 years of broadcasting, motivational speaking, and advocacy experience. Every week, Mel chats with incredible people who share their personal stories through tragedy and triumph.

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