February 27, 2024

Sincerely Yours

Beyond All Doubt

How many times have we stepped out in faith, sure that Jesus had said to come, only to step back in alarm when doubt crept in? That's what Matthew chapter 14 is all...

Louder Than Words

As I was reading our passage for today, it occurred to me that silence and solitude do not necessarily go hand-in-hand. I’ve heard it said that the awareness of God is...

Honestly Seeking Doubts

What is it with us and our doubts? The answer could be right in front of us, and still we’re not sure. But is doubting always a bad thing? Malcolm Muggridge once said...

The Voice That Matters Most

We’ve all felt the consequences of “public opinion.” What people think of us, or say about us, is a big deal -- and it can either feel like a warm embrace, or a cold...

We’re Not In It Alone

Join Ann Mainse for this episode of Sincerely Yours as Jesus talks to his disciples about their conduct and we're reminded that we're never alone.

An Unmistakable Feeling

Today’s passage came alive for Ann Mainse a few years ago on one stressful Sunday morning when suddenly she got an unmistakable feeling.

With Eyes of Faith

Faith sees hope where doubt sees hopelessness. Granted, in the natural, this is NOT an easy thing to do. But that’s the point. When failure tries to block our view of...

Best Any of Us Can Do

In our world today, contests are a normal part of life. Who can run the fastest, jump the farthest, or score the most points? It's competition, and it's all around us...


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