
Tips for the Ladies on How to Build a Successful Relationship

After being married for a while, the excitement of a new relationship fades and you wonder whether you have fallen out of love. How can you make your spouse fall in love with you all over again when it seems like the sparks are gone? On this episode of The Sweet Spot, we will share the “secret” to a successful marriage with a focus on tips for the ladies on how you, as wives, can love your husbands the way God does.

In the next episode, it’s the men’s turn to get great advice on how you can lift your relationships with your wives and take it to new heights. Make sure you subscribe on YouTube so you don’t miss it!

What’s In This Episode?

  • The secret to a successful relationship
  • The football analogy we can use in our marriages
  • Simple ways wives can show love to their husbands
  • Forgetting the past and focusing on the present
  • Introduction to love languages

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Diane & Michael "Pinball" Clemons

Reaching the “sweet spot” in life is key to understanding and creating our own legacy. Every week, Diane and Michael “Pinball” Clemons help shine a light on the world, sharing the great joy we discover only through following Jesus Christ.

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