Mom Struggling Well #17: Rachel Anne Ridge
Do you have those people in your life who give off a calming presence and just being around them makes you feel like everything is going to work out in the end? My friend Rachel Anne Ridge is like that. She is an artist who can also say has written a book about her stray donkey, Flash. Now not many people can say that.
what we chat about:
- Her grown children and her perspective looking back
- An unexpected way she shows love to her husband
- A practical way in which they have been a neighbor to someone who needed it
- A glimpse into life with small kids and a small business
- How the quote “opportunity favors the prepared” has proven true in her life
links we mentioned:
Flash: The Homeless Donkey Who Taught Me about Life, Faith, and Second Chances
“Dear Mom of Older Kids” viral blog post
Tsh Oxenrider’s New Year’s Questions
strategies to struggle well:
Remember: you’re more likely to succeed at your plan if you make it small and actionable AND if you choose when this week you’ll do it.
- How can you show your husband (or a friend) that you care in an unexpected way this week?
- Is there a neighbor that comes to mind who could use some tangible assistance this week?
- What project has been weighing on you that you need to just start?
My plan: I’m going to cook a nice meal with my husband because he REALLY loves that and we will discuss Tsh’s questions and celebrate his new job.
What about you? Find me on the interwebs and tell me about it!
where to find rachel:
blog // facebook // instagram // twitter
share the struggle!
Find me on instagram, twitter or facebook! I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode. If you’ve been encouraged by the show please share it with another mom. The struggle is real- we might as well do this together!