
The Importance of a Creative Community with Brad Guldemond

Between The Grooves #5

On this episode, we chat to Canadian Worship artist Brad Guldemond about songwriting, creating worship music for kids and the importance of creative community. Brad is passionate about leading people of all ages into a deepening relationship with Christ and using his gift set to equip artists and songwriters to create in a way that leads people closer to Jesus and expresses the heart of God.

“I Can Only Imagine” – Brad Guldemond (Mercy Me Cover)

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James Kurtis & Drew Brown

Music director and morning man James Kurtis (JOY Radio in Toronto) and award-winning artist/producer Drew Brown explore every aspect of life in Christian music. From interviews with today's top artists to fun and in-depth roundtable discussions, Between The Grooves is the ultimate resource for fans and worship leaders alike.

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