
Colleen Blake-Miller ’s Story of Empowering the Mind with God’s Truth

Registered psychotherapist Colleen Blake-Miller joins us on this episode of Your Story with Melinda to share her advice on how to create more empowering thoughts with the help of God’s truth to create better realities.

In This Episode

  • Finding opportunities to rebuild every day
  • Advice to those who are struggling to fight negativity
  • Colleen’s very personal story of rising up through adversity
  • Advice to parents on how they can respond with love when their child commits mistakes

Connect with Colleen Blake-Miller

You can find more info on Colleen and read her blog at www.colleenblakemiller.com.

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Melinda Estabrooks

Melinda’s career spans over 20 years of broadcasting, motivational speaking, and advocacy experience. Every week, Mel chats with incredible people who share their personal stories through tragedy and triumph.

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