
“For As He Thinks in His Heart, So Is He”

Ageism is real and its impacts are invasive, but not in the way that you might think. As it turns out, those who view ageing in a negative light are the ones impacted the most! That’s right, ageism makes you age more quickly. Today on Hugs From Heaven, we learn that for the eternal, the age of the container is irrelevant.

Instant Takeaways

  1. Age is just a number. A 23-year research study showed the subjects with the most negative views on aging died, on average, 7.6-years sooner than the positive subjects.

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Moira Brown

With over 40 years of broadcast experience, Moira is known and loved across Canada. Best known for her work on 100 Huntley Street, Moira now offers daily encouragement with her Faith Strong Today podcast Hugs From Heaven, sharing her life experiences and interests in her warm, show-and-tell style.

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