Donna and Kevann look at a “Weird Bible Story” that involves strong women, muddy bogging, and poetic justice. As strange as this story is, they discuss how...
Grow on the Go
Kevann and Donna have some laughs as they look at a weird Bible story involving a talking donkey. It seems like something out of a cartoon but seriously, why not? God...
Kevann and Donna discuss obedience in this episode of Grow on the Go. What it is, what it isn’t, and what the Book of James has to say about it. They explore the...
The book of James teaches us how to make talking with God the soundtrack for our lives. In this podcast, Donna and Kevann talk about how to combat worry with prayer...
This week, Donna and Kevann explore what we need to do to get into heaven. That question has been debated throughout the years, particularly within the Christian...
Donna and Kevann follow the thread of James’ teaching on how we treat the poor. It isn’t just about sharing and caring, it’s also about judgement and prejudice. But...
In this podcast, Donna and Kevann unpack some of the major themes of James. They look at James’ teaching on how we use our words and why it was so relevant then and...
Donna and Kevann continue “The Biblical Feminist” series by comparing the feminist view of women’s’ roles with women’s roles in the Bible. They discuss how...
In this episode, Donna and Kevann discuss a tricky issue within feminist circles and churches alike: ableism. They talk about what it means, what the bible says about...
In this podcast, Donna and Kevann tackle modesty. Is it our fault if we cause men to lust, even accidentally? How can we dress in a way that’s honouring to God and...
Donna and Kevann tackle one of the church’s most divisive issues: were women made to submit? They unpack what scripture says about it, including some interpretations you...
Donna and Kevann begin a new series in this podcast with a crash course on feminist history. “The Biblical Feminist” discusses some of the common...
In the last podcast of the “Intentional Encounters” series, Kevann and Donna talk about the moments after Jesus’ resurrection. What does it mean that...
What does it mean to follow Jesus? When Peter encounters Jesus on the Lake of Galilee, he learns what grace means, both spiritually and materially. It’s one thing when...
We continue the intentional encounters series this week with Jesus healing the bleeding woman. Of course, we can have as much of Jesus as we want but, like there was for...
The intentional encounters we have been talking about usually have to do with who Jesus encountered. This encounter is more about the when. Jesus waits until it is too...
We thirst for all kinds of things in our lives. Acceptance, security, love, purpose, comfort, sleep, and, of course, water. In this episode of Grow on the Go, Kevann and...
Sometimes our questions are about seeking and sometimes they’re about stonewalling. Jesus always knew the difference even when the asker seemed insincere. In this...
What was Jesus’ intentional encounter with Mary communicating to us? How is divinity born to humanity important? In this Grow on the Go podcast, we talk about the...
Why did Jesus head into the wilderness and purposely subject himself to deprivation and temptation? In this Grow on the Go podcast, we look at Jesus’ extreme camping...
Jesus had all kinds of spontaneous interactions with people. But there were certain people that Jesus met up with in a very deliberate way. In this episode of Grow on...
We are excited to start a new series called Intentional Encounters. We talk about the times Jesus seemed to go out of his way to interact with one individual. In this...
We are wrapping up the lessons of our 10 Smart Things Women Can Do to Build a Better Life series in this Grow on the Go podcast. We explore the difference...
The 10 Commandments weren’t designed to help us be good. They were designed to show us there’s no way we can be. We don’t need to just clean up our act to please God. We...
What does trying to be a good person get you? Besides a nervous condition… not much. Kevann and I share about our own fear of failure and rejection, and the way...
Imagine hanging a little silver guillotine around your neck. What a weird thing it is that Christians place such importance on a symbol of torture. But there is...
It wasn’t just our relationship with God that went south in the Garden of Eden. Our relationships with other humans became tainted as well. Even though relationships are...
In this podcast, Kevann and I discuss what the Bible teaches about peace and how we can actually live calmly in the eye of the storm. I talk through how to pray...
Women are told we can have it all, but is that really what we want? Everybody has stress. Everybody has limits. Kevann and I talk about our own stress, how we each cope...
There is a sense in which God has deliberately made us discontent. Medicating that sense of longing gets us into all kinds of misery. Kevann and I chat today about what...