

Collisions with Truth

How much does truth matter? Lying doesn’t seem like a big deal when it isn’t going to hurt anyone and if, in fact, it might actually prevent hurt. But what if it isn’t...

Life Diverted

Donna welcomes Lauren Klukas to Grow on the Go. Lauren shares her journey of having to abandon the life she planned for the different one God had in store for her. Donna...

Bumper Crop Christians

Kevann and Donna talk about the frustration they experience at their lack of progress in being more like Jesus: more patient, kind, etc. Often the ways we process that...

The Process of Elimination

Before they get to talking about how pruning eliminates unhealthy growth from a vine, Donna and Kevann take a detour to an unpleasant but in retrospect hilarious story...

Coming Home

In this first of three podcasts on John 15’s parable of the vine and the branches and Donna teaches on belonging.

Dinner and a Show

What's for dinner? Kevann and Donna have a conversation about people's motives for following Jesus in John's day, but also now.


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Collaboratively harness market-driven processes whereas resource-leveling internal or "organic" sources. Competently formulate.